Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Friday! Game night!

Tonight is going to be another chapter in my solo game with my wife. Although the dungeon is well prepped, I need to have a few more NPCs and hirelings gathered.

I've gotten some really good feedback on ideas and thoughts about how to teach "tactics" without turning my NPC into the "answer book" - randalls gave me a fairly good idea on how to provide NPC 'guidance' on my old m20 blog. I also had some good comments from SirLarkins who is in my head about the effect of hireling deaths and rumors of treasure being found will have on things. It's going to be an interesting time in Westport tonight! After reading this comment about retainer costs and attitudes, I have a few more options to spin.

She hasn't started exploring the city of Westport yet, which I'm now going to collapse into my town of Vale and combine the two. I was going to have her finish this little example dungeon and give her the opportunity to "move on" , but that would be railroading - so I'm going to make "the village of Vale" disappear and now Westport will combine the two. It'll serve as a good base for her to explore, learn more things and start exploring some the more interesting aspects of the Vale area.

And just because I'm a HUGE fan of the 'Ale and Whores' concept, I submit to you this image, as provided by the blog Demons and Dragons Friday Gallery

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No problem - glad you liked it :) Recently I'm playing with my wife too - mainly. Sometimes my friend drop in but it's small campaign anyway.

Nice blog!